Thursday, 23 February 2012

Windows Vista/7 unable to connect to wireless network after the connection goes down

My other half's laptop has for some time had a problem with our home wireless network. When booted up it connects happily to the network and everything works fine. But if the wireless network goes down (which it has frequently because of some issues with our wireless router) or if her laptop is left to go to sleep or standby mode, the wireless will not reconnect. The only thing that will fix it is a reboot.

I figured that there must be a solution to this problem. My Windows XP laptop quite happily drops and reconnects the wireless connection without any issues. So I turned to my friend Google for help... And the first link I see holds the answer to my question:

Apparently the problem is caused by a missing registry entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters. It should contain a DWORD (32-bit) value called ArpRetryCount and the value should be set to '0'. Apparently this has been proven to fix this problem under Vista and Windows 7.

Many thanks go to kileyferguson on for this answer.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Worst Phishing Email... Ever!!

I received this email from a concerned client today and I just can't believe how blatantly obvious this is as a fake. They didn't bother to disguise their email address, they sent an warning about deleting an inactive account to an active account (I know this particular client uses their hotmail address daily) and worst of all they ask you to reply to the email with your username, password and year of birth!!! Are phishers really getting this lazy!? :)

Here's the content of the email:

Subject: Service Alert
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2012 10:21:11 +0700


Dear Account User,

This email is from Windows Live Customer Care®. We are sending it to all account owners for account upgrade. We are experiencing network congestion due to anonymous registration of email accounts. To prevent this, we are shutting down inactive accounts and your account is scheduled to be deactivated. 

We sent this email to you so that you can verify and let us know if your account is still valid. Click on the reply button and fill in your information:

User Name:.......................................................


Year of Birth:
Country Or Territory:.........................................

After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconveniences.

Warning! Account owners who refuse to update their accounts after 24 Hours of receiving this warning will lose their accounts permanently.
The Windows Live Team
Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online privacy statement. Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA ©

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Unable to edit netlogon in Windows Server 2008

I needed to make a change to a login script that was stored in the netlogon folder on a Windows Server 2008. However I discovered that I couldn't save any changes when logged on as an administrator accessing the share or even when I followed the correct path to the netlogon folder.

After many failed attempts to resolve this problem, I decided to have a search on Google. I eventually came across this thread on the forums.The solution was amazingly simple yet crazy that it was needed. In order to be able to edit files in netlogon you need to navigate to the correct path for netlogon, go up one level to the 'scripts' folder and modify the permissions for this folder. Make sure that the administrator account has the correct permissions for editing the contents of the folder.

Simple. Yet why Microsoft should feel that by default no one (including the administrator) can modify the contents of this folder is beyond me.