Thursday, 7 July 2011

Change the size of Windows taskbar items

At some point in the past, when Windows 7 was in beta testing, I downloaded and installed a Windows 7 style pack for XP as Windows 7 beta wouldn't detect my wireless card so I couldn't use it. Whilst the theme itself was brilliant and perfectly emulated Windows 7, the resources it used left my system running to slow to be usable. So I uninstalled it all.

However one thing has remained from this legacy; the task bar items that appear when you have active windows were much smaller than normal. For a long time I had no idea how to fix this and wasn't really that bothered by it. Just recently though I decided that my laptop needed a visual overhaul so did some research to work out how to fix the taskbar.

Many thanks to for the solution to my problem. It turns out that you just have to modify one registry key in order to change the size of taskbar items. Go to the reg key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics and change the value for MinWidth. The default is 154 pixels. A higher value will stretch the taskbar items whilst a lower value will shrink them.

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